Pride & Joy Day 30: TL;DR Recap

[Today’s donation was made to Brave Space AllianceClick here to see my Pride & Joy Project 2020 Daily Donations List.]

And just like that, we’ve come to the end of June. It feels like only yesterday I came up with the plan and did the photoshoot and the editing.

I rediscovered so much about myself. I faced my own fears and traumas and tried to put them into words. Maybe not as perfect as I’d hoped they would be.

And after the longest time, I was able to dress up again, wear make-up again, do (quite a major) photography work, and most importantly, get in touch with my femininity and access my memories.

I truly believe if it had been in a different condition (slightly happier, less broken, without an inept criminal and his cronies controlling the US government) I probably would’ve just gone about my days, simply rolling out my Pride flag on my balcony, and not done this.

This project has become my rainbow in the storm.

So, without further ado, I present Pride & Joy Day 30: “TL;DR Recap.”