As soon as I received the RuPaul Doll, I knew I had to do a tribute to the one and only Eurydice Colette Clytemnestra Dido Bathsheba Rabelais Patricia Cocteau Stone. I think it’s the blonde bouffant that sealed the deal.
I remember being so transfixed by Jennifer Saunders’ Absolutely Fabulous when I watched it on cable (I think on Hallmark Asia) a long time ago, back in Indonesia. I’ve always thought British comedies were far superior to American’s. (Especially Friends. Ugh. What trash.) But this one really took the camp cake. Patsy, the chain-smoking, drug-dealing, pill-popping, cocaine-snorting, passive-aggressive, mean woman, who works in fashion, by the way, delivered such intelligent one-liners that I absolutely fell in love with her. She’s not my favorite character (it’s a tie among Bubble, Saffy, and Bo).
I also fell in love with Joanna Lumley. Apart from having such a posh accent, she’s also a human rights fighter and animal rights champion.
Quite possibly, the most difficult part of this shoot was sewing the jacket. It wasn’t that hard to find the fabric (I bought used Zebra-print stretch fabric scraps for cheap on eBay), but getting it fit nicely was a challenge.
But I finally got to use my Jonathan Adler set and my Barbie Louboutins, which are perfect for the scene. I added some Hello! Magazine, a vintage Razzle (I actually Googled that specific cover), and some shopping bags.
Date: February 2, 2015
Set design, wardrobe by Yuska Lutfi Tuanakotta
Furniture by Jonathan Adler for Barbie
Shoes by Louboutins for Barbie
Boots by Hervé Leger for Babie
Handbag and sunglasses by Fashion Royalty
Various knickknacks by Barbie furniture collection, Rement, and 1/6 scale accessories