You know, I can’t really relate to this movie (or the experience of Christina Crawford, the author of Mommie Dearest the movie was based upon). I have a great relationship with my mom and have written extensively about it in my book, Gentlemen Prefer Asians.
When I finally watched it, I realized how horrifyingly funny the movie was. It was so… John Waters. I mean, what Christina Crawford endured was horrendous, but Faye Dunaway’s acting was so just so *chef’s kiss*.
The camp and over-the-top-ness made it perfect for this photoshoot. Integrity Toys saved me from constructing the dress because they have a Mommie Dearest collectible doll.
I created the closet (or parts of it), the wire hanger, and used poster putty for her mask.
I have to say though, it was not the wire-hanger thing that got me. It was when Crawford spills the cleaning powder all over.
Date: February 22, 2015
Set design, closet, wire hanger by Yuska Lutfi Tuanakotta
Nightgown and shoes by Integrity Toys Mommie Dearest
Clothes from Barbie and Ken collection
Various knickknacks by Rement