I truly believe if it had been in a different condition (slightly happier, less broken, without an inept criminal and his cronies controlling the US government) I probably would've just gone about my days, simply rolling out my Pride flag on my balcony, and not done this.
Pride Month
I've written about and shown how much I love gold (and glitter). Ever since I saw Meryl Streep with gold gladiator sandals in Mamma Mia, I wanted to have a pair of my own. And I did. And they're technically stilettos and not flats, and they're technically boots and not sandals, but they are gold, vegan, and they cover my scar.
[Today’s donation was made to Black & Queer Intersectional Collective. Click here to see my Pride & Joy Project 2020 Daily Donations List.] From 2009 until 2016, I lived and breathed belly dance, specifically American Tribal Style (ATS) by the San-Francisco-based FatChanceBellyDance (FCBD). It was the only reason I chose to move […]
I went to my first Halloween costume party in 2017. It was at The Federal in North Hollywood. I know, I'm so fresh-off-the-boat. For my first Halloween costume, I decided to merge three figures (fictional and real) who have been most influential for me in that year.
The memory of my childhood of seeing Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman on TV and reading the comic books, collided with the memory of spending my junior high until university with Pandu. And now, I have this pink pullover from one of the most corrupt and unfair fast fashion companies to remind me of one of the happiest days of 2019 when I finally got to see my best friend of 25 years.
Tulle bitalli (“net with metal”) is an Egyptian textile art. There are references of embroidery with metal wireframing in the Bible, but this specific textile, also known as assuit, named after Assuit/Asyut, the Egyptian city that produces it) was first officially documented in the 19th century.
Even before I had the notion of masculine colors and feminine colors, I’d always loved pink. I love strawberry ice cream simply because it’s pink. My old Geocities blog was all pink. Mean Girls became 100 times more significant because it singles out this color and launched #onWednesdayswewearpink.
What is it with this year and death? Millions of people have been affected by Covid-19. Others by police brutality and racial, sexual, and gender injustice. On top of that, each of us has to deal with issues whose gravity only we can feel.
My teeth, my skin discoloration, and this scar have become the trifecta of my physical flaws. And for years and years, I've tried to accept them. I suppose I care less about them now as I've aged and settled quite comfortably in my own body. But sometimes when I see photos of myself that show my teeth or my hyperpigmentation or the scar, I'll feel self-conscious.
Glamping: a portmanteau for “glamor” and “camping,” but the “camp” part is Billie Porter camp because it makes more sense than Bear Grylls camp.